Voice to Text


Result :

Voice To Text Converter

Hey,I hope you are fine.Here we will explain to you how to you use our Voice to text Converter Tool.It is used for voice to text converting.This tool will be convert your voice in text.

First of all you will need to select your langugae from language section.Then you will need to click on the start button and tell any word it will be deduct your word and convert in text form.

Start Listening :

First of you will need select any language then you will need to press the listening button.Why this use??... This button will use to listen your command and take your voice permission from your mobile voice.You are easyily allow this permisiion because we will not show your data to others peoples.
Here you can see a example...

When you give the allow permission it will be take your voice from your mobile speaker the it will be convert your voice into text form.The text form you see our result page.When this convert your language it show the your text / result in input field.Here you can see this field...

Clear :

Why are use clear button.This button will help you to clear your data from our input field.If you need to give any more command then you will need to clear your data with this button.It will be clear your data easyily.Here you can see this example...

Download :

The Download button used for download your text in txt file.You will send this file to any your ceo and others people via whatsapp,eamil and other sources.

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